Book Chapters
Book Chapters
- ALLOCHIO FILHO, JOÃO FRANCISCO; DE JESUS MACRINO, CLEBSON; LACERDA, VALDEMAR; RODRIGUES, MARCELLA FERREIRA; VAZ, BONIEK G.; ROMÃO, WANDERSON . CHAPTER 9. Paper Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry in Forensic Chemistry. In: Thiago R L C Paixão; Wendell K T Coltro; Maiara Oliveira Salles. (Org.). Detection Science. 1ed.: ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY, 2019, v. 1, p. 198-243.
- FILHO, JOÃO FRANCISCO ALLOCHIO; LACERDA, VALDEMAR; ROMÃO, WANDERSON. Fourier transform mass spectrometry applied to Forensic Chemistry. In: Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin; Basem Kanawati. (Org.). Fundamentals and Applications of Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry. 1ed.: Elsevier, 2019, v. 1, p. 469-508.
- VAZ, B. G.; MORAES, L. A. B.; ROMÃO, W. Fundamentos da Espectrometria de Massas e Aplicações. In: Adilson Beatriz; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.. (Org.). Fundamentos de Espectrometria e Aplicações. 1ed.São Paulo: EDITORA ATHENEU, 2017, v. 7, p. 1-65.
- RICCI-SILVA, MARIA ESTHER ; VAZ, BONIEK GONTIJO ; VASCONCELOS, GÉSSICA ADRIANA ; ROMÃO, WANDERSON ; ARICETTI, JULIANA A. ; CALDANA, CAMILA ; ABDELNUR, PATRÍCIA VERARDI . Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics and Biomass Composition Analyses. In: Sílvio Vaz Jr.. (Org.). Analytical Techniques and Methods for Biomass. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2016, v. 1, p. 115-141.
- SABINO, BRUNO; CARDOSO, AMADEU; ROMÃO, WANDERSON. Application of TLC MS to Analysis of Drugs of Abuse. In: Teresa Kowalska, Mieczyslaw Sajewicz, Joseph Sherma. (Org.). Chromatographic Science Series. 1ed.: CRC Press, 2015, v. 110, p. 281-304.
- ROCHA, W. F. C.; NOGUEIRA, R.; VAZ, B. G.; FIDELIS, C. H. V.; ROMÃO, WANDERSON. Quality control in science. In: José A. Orosa. (Org.). Quality Control Engineering and Manufacturing Medical Procedures, Testing and Technology. 1ed.Paseo de Ronda: Nova, 2012, v. 1, p. 1-46.