The Laboratory of Petroleomics and Forensic Chemistry (coordinated by Professor Dr. Wanderson Romão), is located on the premises of the Núcleo de Competência em Química de Petróleo-NCQP/LABPETRO (coordinated by Professor Dr. Eustáquio Vinícius Ribeiro de Castro), at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES).
Since 2011, he has been working on several research projects within the university and in partnership with other federal institutions and companies (such as UFG, UFSJ and PETROBRAS), and performs analysis of various samples for all professors and students linked to the Graduate Program in Chemistry at UFES (PPGQUI-UFES), as well as members of other graduate programs at UFES (Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, for example). Therefore, it is a laboratory responsible for the development and/or collaboration in numerous dissertations/theses defended and, consequently, for much of the scientific publication generated at the university.
Aiming at the training of human resources, the Laboratory of Petroleomics and Forensics develops projects that can contribute to scientific and technological innovation, generating in addition to publications, patents for the country. In the laboratory are linked students of scientific initiation, master, doctorate and post-doctorate of PPGQUI-UFES, under the guidance and supervision of Professor Dr. Wanderson Romão. The laboratory of Petroleomics and Forensics has as main partners within PPGQUI-UFES the professors Dr. Paulo Filgueiras, Dr. Valdemar Lacerda Jr and Dr Ricardo Kuster.
Currently, the Graduate Program in Chemistry at UFES, located in Goiabeiras, Vitória-ES, offers master's (since 2006) and doctoral courses (since 2014) in Chemistry with concept 5 in the academic qualification assessment attested by CAPES.